Friday, 12 September 2014

Common mistakes for car storage

It might seem counter intuitive to pay for something that on the surface seems as straight forward as long term car storage in Melbourne. The reason that it is a wise thing to do, is that in reality storage requires a lot of planning and knowledge in order to ensure that your vehicle will be in perfect working order when you go to retrieve it. Improper car storage is common, and can lead ot a nasty surprise in the future.

A common mistake is that owners choose a dust cover that is made of a thick plastic. They assume that the thicker and more impenetrable the better, because that means nothing can get in, right? Wrong. Not only does it still allow moisture to condense underneath against the car's surface, it also prevents it from evaporating. You are effectively trapping moisture against the paint, which is a surefire way to deteriorate the finish and induce rust. You want to find a breathable fabric, that is going to allow any moisture to effectively dry up.

Next, people assume that a service is not necessary prior to storage. After all, you won't be using your car for months or even weeks, so people assume that a service can wait until the car is actually going to next be in use. This is highly risky. Any number of things could potentially go wrong when it comes time to revive your vehicle after storage. Even for a seasoned professional, it will take some careful troubleshooting to assess the situation. Ensuring that your car is serviced just before going into storage will dramatically reduce the possible causes of the problem, as well as reducing the chance of a problem altogether. A Car Detailing Melbourne service might also be a good idea to clean out all of the dust on the surface, as well as that which can't be seen. Dust traps moisture, and as stated before moisture on the surface of the paint is a recipe for disaster. Any small stains or moisture inside the car on the upholstery will need to be attended to, as even a very faint mark can settle and develop considerably over a few months. Overall, while it might be tempting to think that a thorough clean when you retrieve your car is enough to reverse any damage, it is much better to completely clean your car before.

Sulfation of the battery is one of the common causes of a car failing to start after several months. In order to prevent this, thoroughly clean the area as well as the battery itself using a baking soda a water solution. Then purchase a battery maintenance device to keep the battery fully charged at all times. Otherwise, you might be disappointed when the battery is dead and refuses to start.

Leaving the handbrake on for an extended period of time is a very bad idea. It can permanently damage the wheels, and the shoes can rust to the drum in a couple of months. Instead, chock the wheels with blocks to prevent the car from rolling away and then let the handbrake down. Finally, a mistake is assuming that all oils are the same, when they are not. Oils have a definite lifespan, and so it is wise to choose a product specially designed for prestige cars which are seldom driven.

As you can see, it is not a matter of simply parking and leaving for months on end, there is actually quite a lot of preparation to ensure a smooth stay. If you want to leave it to the experts to do it right, choose Unsurpassed Vehicle Image at for the ultimate car storage experience in Melbourne.

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